Boxer Machines
McGee Amusement carries only the newest model of Power Strike boxing machine, perfect for any bar, tavern or restaurant with a steady interest in gaming machines. Using the newest technologies in the industry to provide a reliable, enjoyable experience, this boxer machine will be a huge hit with your patrons.
Why Install a Boxer Machine?
Boxer machines are extremely popular in many NY and NJ venues because they provide a place for patrons to gather and test their strength. And they do it without taking up any more space than a jukebox or arcade unit.
With the Power Strike 2012 – Fire Edition, you can have the best available technology on the market for your boxing machine. The Power Strike 2012 features thick padding for extra safety, a compact ergonomic design, available ticket dispensers and a re-settable high score. It’s simple to setup and adjust prices, and is easy to service if an issue ever develops.
Choose the Right Boxer Machine for Your Venue
If you are interested in having a boxing machine installed for your venue, contact McGee Amusements today and ask about the Power Strike 2012 – Fire Edition. A sales associate can help you determine if this is the best fit for your venue.